Budget Boats: The Best 5 Fishing Kayaks of 2018
In the last decade or so kayak fishing has picked up speed becoming one of the hottest trends in outdoor sports.
Maybe it’s because of the easy access and launch ability it has, or maybe because you can fish in a wider range of saltwater and freshwater.
No matter the reasoning, whether you’ve fished all your life or think this might be the year for you, consider trying kayak fishing as a great segue into the ultimate lifestyle.
The best part of kayak fishing is that you can afford it. Just like you, we’re always fishing for the best deal on outdoor gear. Even if you aren’t on a tight budget, kayak fishing is designed to keep you away from the bank.
A fully rigged out kayak ranges from $1,500 to $3,000 which is more affordable than your basic fishing boat and motor. Why? Well, one reason is because kayaks are much cheaper.
Another reason is because long-term speaking you will spend less on fuel costs, boat insurance, equipment, boat maintenance and launch fees.
But even $1,500 is quite a bit of change. And then there’s always the question whether you’ll even like it. You want to give it a try, but you also don’t want to spend an arm and a leg. So, what do you do?
While there are many fishing kayaks on the market built to hold your rods and store your tackle box, there are also every-day recreational kayaks. These kayaks are less expensive but you can still use them to fish in, so you get the most bang for your buck.
Boating on a Budget
Yakety yak, don’t worry we got your back. With fall creeping around the corner, you’ll probably notice a bunch of sales on summer clothing and outdoor gear including kayaks. These are awesome for trying out kayak fishing and seeing if you really like it or not.
Today stores are eager to get rid of their summer inventory and make room for fall gear. If you go to any sporting goods store they will have a variety of deals and steals. Now is the time to go out and buy that kayak you’ve had your eye on because our guess is that it’ll have a knock off price you can’t walk away from.
As kayaks are becoming increasingly popular as the go-to boat for saltwater and freshwater, it can be slightly overwhelming if you’re thinking about investing in one. Not only are there specific kayaks for fishing, touring and recreational purposes, but then there are also different types such as sit-on-top-kayaks and sit-inside-kayaks. It’s seems like the choices are endless.
Don't Rock the Boat
Fishing kayaks are kayaks built with the sole purpose of fishing. They are comfortable and stable and come designed with places to store your rods, bait and tackle box. They also come with additional storage for coolers and any extra fishing gear.
Sit-on-top-kayaks are kayas designed for you to sit on the boat instead of in the boat. Sit-on-top-kayaks allow for easy entrance and exit into the kayak. The paddler sits on top of the deck. An advantage to having a sit-on-top-kayak is that they are inherently safer, since they can roll over without filling with water, and they give the angler more room to move around or even throw a leg over the side for stability when dealing with a fish. Another advantage is that its designed to be less tipsy and more stable. Stability is ideal for any boat while fishing. In a sit-on-top-kayak, anglers can easily move about the kayak, crawl on or off them, and shrug off the water without staying soaked. Sit-on-top-kayaks are especially popular for saltwater fishing.
Sit-inside-kayaks are more for recreational purposes. They are called sit-inside-kayaks because they’re made for paddlers to sit inside the kayak with their legs under the deck. They are less stable but can travel at a faster speed than the sit-on-top-kayaks. Sit-in-kayaks are preferable for moving waters and situations where lighter-weight boats are desirable. These boats are best for beginners because they are easy to get in and out of and provide a drier ride than a sit-on-top kayak. These kayaks are ready to cut through water quickly and are ideal for long distances.
We love saving money just as much as you do, so how can we get a quality reasonably priced kayak that will do just the job?
We put together a list of what we think are the top five kayaks for fishing. Some are specifically designed for fishing and others are more recreational but because of their versatility they are great for fishing.
Here are our top five kayaks perfect for eager-to-bite fish:
Five to Thrive
(Prices will vary, especially with any on-going sales and depending on individual retailers, but this is what you can expect to spend for a quality reasonably priced kayak)
- Old Town Heron 9 - $399
This is a compact, sporty kayak that is affordable and designed for easy paddling. It also tracks well and maneuvers with ease. This is perfect for beginner paddlers who are seeking a light-weight kayak.
- Perception Access 9.5 - $399
The Access provides incredible stability, comfort and control. It’s ideal for flat or slow-moving waters. Its shorter length and lighter weight make transporting easy and maneuvering a breeze. It comes in a variety of colors and has an area in the front and back for storage.
Fishing Kayaks
- Feelfree- Move Angler- $499
This Feelfree Move Angler is perfect for kids and smaller paddlers who are getting into the sport of kayak fishing. It’s a sit-on-top kayak with storage in the back and a quarter turn hatch up front. It also comes with fishing rod holders and fishing rod holder leashes.
- Pelican Sentinel 100x Angler-$329.99
This sit-on-top angler kayak has swivel rod holders and a compartment in the back with bungee cords to store your gear.
- Lifetime Payette Angler 98 fishing kayak-$475
This Payette Angler is a sit-inside-kayak that is designed for stability and extreme safety. It has a stable flat bottom and comes with fishing pole holders and an enclosed compartment.
Paddling Our Own Kayak
We know you have bigger fish to fry than reading up on kayaks, so these suggestions are purely our own opinions. We’re not partnered with any company mentioned nor are we being paid to promote any boats. We are simply giving you our food for thought.
So, what are you waiting for? Go buy your kayak, grab your pole and start fishing! Dive into the whole new world of kayak fishing, and you will be surprised to see how much fun it is!
Thank you for reading!
Yak later,
The Bubba Crew